Social Crew Sports

Individual Player Registration

Terms And Conditions

  • I have read and understand the Player and Spectator Code of Conduct and will do my best, with my team, to work in accordance with it.
  • I have read and understand the Rules & The Social Crew BYLAWS of the league I have applied for.
  • I understand any player can be suspended or banned from the competition for misconduct under the interpretation of the refereers, scorebench/court supervisor and the manager of The Social Crew at any time. No player will be given a refund of their registration upon being suspended or banned.
  • I understand that The Social Crew can change any of the rules or schedules at any time during the season. If a rule or schedule is changed then you will be notified as soon as possible after the change.
  • I acknowledge that The Social Crew takes photographs and videos of players/spectators participating or viewing The Social Crew competitions and consent to their use for website/marketing/advertising use. If a player objects to their photo being used email and it will be removed.
  • I understand that teams forfeiting incurs a fine of $100. This is to reimburse your opponents fees. If you can let us know with at least 24 hours of notice, then we may be able to waive the forfeit fee.
  • The Social Crew reserves the right to remove a team from the competition who are frequently forfeiting games, displaying extremely poor conduct or are highly disorganised. Other than remaining Team Fees for the season, no other fees will be refunded.

Please put your name as transfer description. Your Registration is not complete until Registration Fee is received. If possible, please email transfer receipt to

Payment Details
Account Name - TSC SPORTS
BSB - 062 220
Account Number - 10277859
Reference - Your Name